The question you ask is very hard to answer in full, but here’s the quick answer An engine supplier like RPM, UFO or others “optimise” the cam timing of the engine which is all they can do within the MSA rules, advise you “Goole them” & read them as there is a lot of information in them. Also they use a dyno to check the engines performance & make small adjustments to maximise it.
You will hear a lot about “SP” or “selected parts” engines; these are engines that have been stripped, all parts measured, then rebuilt with parts that are ideal to maximise engine performance.
In the last few years Honda have been up-grading their engine range to bring them in-line with new exhaust emission controls across the world, T2 engines are the new GX160 that pass these controls. The only true way to tell the difference is by engine numbers & I don’t know where they start. Not a good answer but a small help I hope.