I am new to all this, so be gentle, I bought a Prokart last week, took it to the track yesterday, after some mixture tuning and pracitse shaved about 6 seconds a lap of my starting laps. 3 seconds off the best of the rest. I will be changing gearing as the kart seemed to be snagging a cluth on the slowest corner. so new spockets are on their way. One thing I cant work out is the tyres have worn on the inside. The kart does not appear to have any negative camber, I tried to add pressure into the fronts starting at 20psi and finishing testing at 26.5psi in the front tyres. but still the contact seems to only be on the inside. Is this a normal prokart thing or is there something obvious I have not done, quite sure if I use the whole front tyre I might be a second closer (either that or I will have to loose a couple of stone ;0)