There are so many myths about Cool Power it's unbelievable. It works well for 2 reasons. Firstly it is thinner than most oils and has less resistance and yes enough for a good consistant driver to see the difference in their times, let alone on the dyno. But any super thin oil will have roughly the same effect.
However like the 2-stroke castor content oils for Comers the main reason CP is used is to build Carbon, this over a number of hours increases compression. Many people run oil in their petrol for practice for the same reason.
As for the car type synthetic oils giving better protection, this is simply wrong in a splash fed engine. Synthetic oil is designed for constantly pressurised systems, it is so slippery it does not find it's way into the moving parts properly by splash feed only.
Ironically the extra movement with a kart, probably helps get the oil to where it is needed because otherwise the easiest way to invalidate the warranty on a Honda engine (if you hadn't already by degoverning it and racing) is to use anything other than mineral oil.