Surley this cant be right, there is always going to be a conflict of interest, it should be a company that has no relation to karting, this country is full of businesses that would be more than capable of carrying out a good inpartial job.
I have always felt very srtongly about this because its already being said tat there would be a confilct of interests this is felt by many karters. If this is the case why give it to another karting business and even worse a team! And although it will cost loads to do i cant see how the current de baffled exausts can be legal? Because clearly there has being an issue in the past with consistency so whats to stop the Quick ones still being raced and an advantage being gained? What is going to be put in place kelvin to stop the quicker ones being kept aside? Would it not be simpler to just give the contract to someone outside karting>?