I have no problem with the success of any particular engine builder, I have my own favorite (notice I don't mention the name), it's the free advertising I'm complaining about.
But, if 90% of a grid has one builders engines then it's a fairly safe bet who is going to win.
I don't have any gripe with any particular builder. But just because everyone uses something doesn't make it better.
For crissake the perfect example is that most of the French drive Renaults. Even though they are rubbish, it's almost impossible not to end up buying one, because Renault is in your face everywhere you go.
Apart from anything else though, if you know the Honda engine, you will apreciate that as an engine builder the more engines you see, the more, out of tolerence (selected) parts you might find. These parts go on to build the race winning selected parts engines for the friends and fat wallets. Everyone else who buys the same brand engine on the back of this, effectively gets the rejected parts engine.