Really it depends how "selected" your block was in the first place, the tolerance window is 0.6mm tall, which is huge in terms of what it does to the compression ratio which effects the entire dyno plot from left to right, even clubman engines are built with blocks below the mid-way limit, an SP engine needs to be very close to the lower limit, I have had 2 of my engines done, and the dyno performance was improved slightly, but its hard to say it this translated to anything on the track.
What you need to consider is the new DEP exhaust knocks the power down a bit and this does affect lap time, especially on some of the faster circuits, but having the block decked helps claw back some power lost in the DEP exhaust, so its kinda hobsons just get it done.
Any of the Honda engine builders should be able to sort you out for the typical price of a re-build.