Why would you want the same pressure all round? That would be pretty weird! The front tyres:
* are smaller diameter * are narrower * carry less weight (usually) * don't get involved in braking (unless on a gearbox or Aixro) * Have a different 'task' to do * etc..
In truth, it doesn't much matter hot OR cold. Why? Becuase you will try different pressures and choose the pressure that 'works' best. You'll then adjust those pressures in line with the weather conditions. Thus, so long as you use the SAME method every time (i.e., either, 'always hot' or 'always cold') the effect be the same. The only difference is that you'll be 'saying' a lower number pressure that 'works' for you than will people who test theirs when hot.
Practicality says 'test when cold' because that is how you will START the day. However, you can't cool the tyres easily between heats and thus they won't ever be fully 'cold' again until the evening....
A very good karter (Roger White) used to set his trye pressures by watching the change of pressure between cold and hot. If the pressure when UP by more than 2psi when hot, he'd reduce the pressure. If they went up by less, he'd INCREASE the pressure
In truth, to start with, measure both. You can then see how things change and you'll learn more about tyres and karts as you go along.
Just be consistent in what you do and you'll find the 'best' pressures for you.