I am not sure how you can make buy back work. Many people race at different venues every month. If you have your engines bought off you on a sunday it doesnt leave much time to get a new set of engines purchased, delivered, race prepped (ie fitting all the ancillaries) , run in etc before the next weekend. Plus what if there is a shortage of engines (as there has been with Honda in the past).
Out of the box motors do not work. They need work to get them ready to race including govenor removal and a running in period. Why should someone be disadvantages like this because they have had their engines purchased?
And before Road Rat or Itpro says anything, yes i own GX160Parts.com and have a vested interest in SP pro engines. However i also have a vested interest in the DIY engine rebuilder as well.
A good DIY engine rebuild can compete with RPM engines. There are only a few tenths between a well prepared set of DIY engines and a pair of SP engines. The biggest difference is that those who tend to be able to afford SP engines (or the teams such as RPM, Howard, etc) also spend their money on tyres, on getting their chassis 100% straight with new stub axles, bearings etc. All little things that add up the £ (or $ as Trev would say) but also help to chip away a few tenths. These teams make sure that all their equipment, including their driver is in 100% condition for racing.
I saw too many times when i was racing a new pair of motors on a kart that was pointing in all directions and then the person wondered why they were still slow!
Its not all about engines.
Ps hope nobody takes my admission of owning GX160Parts.Com as an advert. Then again i didnt say i owned GX160Parts.Com the UK's cheapest source of Genuine Honda Parts so i should be ok.
Also there may be a few spelling mistakes and typos as well. Sorry but its cold in here and i dont pretent to be a Genius!
Finally i hope everyone can understand the point i am trying to make. If not let me know and i will put a few words in UPPERCASE!!!!!