But the whole point with SP's is they aren't all the same and most of those people who think they have SP's in reality probably only have engines with any really bad parts selected out, rather than good ones chosen. The very fact that so many people are now buying them is contradictory, the margin is very small on honda engines and it isn't plausable that many parts are rejected to produce SP's. Unless of course all the rejected parts are going back into standard engines to be sold. The only way I was able to produce SP engines economically was by selling the unselected parts back as concrete mixer engines.
Thus people aren't much quicker because their engines are not much better anyway than a good race prepped standard engine.
You have to admire the clever marketing that has got everybody buying something that shouldn't be available to everybody, if it wasn't for the fact that not only is it driving the price of karting up, but the pychological effect also drives people away from the sport.