I can see both sides. What you have at the moment is very relaxed, well run and everyone enjoying themselves. You turn up, race and go home happy.
Unless you split the grid into different classes a championship will probably only interest the top 6 teams or so and I don't think that will have any impact on the rest of the grid who will still turn out and have fun. Championship, however, will need a set of rules and to remove doubt/apply the rules, a scrutineer which adds to the cost. Now I prefer to race in this environment where I know that those I am racing with follow the same rules and those that don't get found out but it does add a level of something that the casual team might just not want to be bothered with and simply go testing rather than race.
Are the circuit operators interested in promoting a series/championship? Clearly they have a vested interest and 26 kart mid week is a great grid in my view.