If you are a decent driver then my opinion is that you may as well take a random pick from 7kart, MS, BRM, Biz or Wright. I have driven a lot of laps on the 7, MS and Wright and each is pretty much as good as the next. That being the case I would then be wanting to get the best deal possible. It also helps to have loads of other karts of the same type at your circuit so you can borrow spares when required. Yes we won the Le Mans 24 on the MS and it was totally bomb proof, but likelihood is you're not going to pound round for 24 hours at a time. In that race there was nothing in terms of pace between the 7, MS, Wright, BRM and Biz. Plus Grant's MBM is as quick as anything else.
So, trying to be unbiased, they are all pretty much of a muchness. I have ties to MS and cannot say a bad word about H and the aftercare, but if its just a good kart you're after, take your pick.