I've been having some problems with my son's Easykart cadet carb. I have one particular carb, which I believe to be our best carb, which starts fine from cold but if there's any cause for the driver to slow to a stop and try to pull away again, it runs very rich to the point that he can't get back up to speed and continue. On a continuous run at speed, it doesn't seem to run rich at all.
The carb gets stripped down after each meeting, thoroughly cleaned (I have an ultrasonic cleaner) and reassembled with a fresh gasket set. I test the needle valve each time and have not changed it as it does not leak. It pops off just under 10 psi and holds at 6. I have tried both permitted spring types (not permitted to stretch or squash springs in Easykart). The weaker spring works at 9psi pop and holds at 5, so not a massive difference. Has anyone got any ideas what is wrong with it?