With the TKM BT82 if you set up the tick over cold at say 5000 rpm, when the motor gets to working temperature it simple stalls. You have to set the tick over either when it is hot at around 4000 to 4500 rpm. However when you start it up cold it will rev right up. This can be disconcerting when starting a run from cold as the kart pushes on. However very quickly the temperature rises and this pushing on stops. You may get slightly less engine braking with this setup, but that is the price to pay for having stall proof TKM.
From memory to set up a tick over when cold the low jet needs to be at about 1.5. However this is pants for racing and possible likely to sieze the motor. Unfortunately it is not like a Honda which is virtually stall proof while the correct way up on 4 wheels.
Even with direct drive you need to have the tick over set up so you can see about 1 mm of daylight between butterfly and carb. barrel. Without this the motor will not 'pull' enough for you to get in and get going if bump starting yourself in a race. 2 turns and 25 minutes on low and 25 minutes (Not quite 1/2 a turn) on the high jet has won many Super 1 races.
Other than using an electric start BT82 we never got on with a clutch and do not use them. So it needs to be an electric start if you want to run a clutch. They are going well now.