Just to add a bit of perspective here before we all get carried away with the MSA bashing
1. I'm an old fart over 45. I've just had my medical and I did a deal with my doctor. £30. It lasts TWO years if you play the system. £15 per year isn't excessive
2. If you're over 18 but under 45 you only need a medical with your FIRST licence. Then not again until you're 45. £30 for 25 years of racing, not exactly onerous is it?
3. ARKS test - yup, I've failed people who quite clearly weren't on the pace.I'm not looking for winners, but I AM looking for guys who don't fall off in front of you and don't do anything stupid.
If IKR is to really succeed, in time it will require a central set of regs. Someone will have a great idea...then it's "Two legs good, four legs better!"
Be careful what you wish for, in case you get it.