"Come 2017 TKM will be one of only 2 MSA classes anyway so its future is pretty secure."
The only reference I can find to this is Colin Wright's doomsday article," (Colin is referencing a proposal by the MSA to limit classes to just two per age group)." so it is difficult to know how accurate a scenario it really is. As Colin says, if it comes to pass then the vast majority of karters will have gone elsewhere. In which case one could foresee that the MSA classes would become like the current "British title" classes, a minimum number of drivers who want to contest a "British" rather than "National" title.
Somehow I don't think that TKM are going to survive on selling 20 or 30 engines per year to a self-professed "elite".
It's so clearly self destructive not only to the structure of karting but also the MSA that one wonders where this proposal originates. Has it been confirmed as policy or is it still a proposal, was it issued by the MSA or did it leak from a committee, or even, in a world where politicians of all sorts regularly misrepresent things, is it merely a convenient scare to be mongered to persuade people to act in certain ways?