Many thanks for the comments about Hondas etc, not that helpful to original queation. I just want to know what the lads and dads who are currently racing comer going to do come January? Grids at Shenington, Whilton Mill and until it finished for the year Rissington are fairly healthy for Comers, last weekend at Shenington grids were around 50:50 Comer and Iame, though the fact that Super 1 has finished strengthened the Iame grids a little. MSA are supporting comer until 2015, so do you think the comer grids will be big enough to have some good racing next year or do we ditch the little red engines in favour of blue ones. I am aware that Iame has some reliability issues, so what? Its the same for every one. I just want my lad to have some fun racing. I have invested at the moment in comer and if the grids are big enough I feel inclined to stick with it. So come on guys/girls nail your colours to the mast and simply state comer or iame!!