Bob G and wasn't he Novice a a lap down as well,some scary numbers for THE GRANDE NKRA FINALS pretigious F.B 1,2+3 plate result won on Merit ?? ,proves what we are saying, 11 drivers at Hooton September for an excellent NKF ROUND, not the with a stand or at least Tabor in the Kart Boot arena, I will come down. Simon can't one read some "politics" in that one.
I have NO connection with the NKF just an observation. Oh Simon S (not his real name),is one going to apolgise for ones interpritation of the facts,about the Northern driver who couldn't turn up for his trophy,one is bang out of order,he didn't want to race at a meeting up here on the same day.I thought ones NKRA committee might have let it be collected on his behalf for all the hard work up here as co- ordinator for the NKRA done by his dad.
Goman were you once NKRA Champion ??