Your logic is faulty there Simon.
I asked. "For example, the MSA always publish proposed regulation changes on their website, now lets be honest, how many of us actually bother to go read them and provide feedback to the MSA, not many I bet, the question then is why not?" And you interpret that as I DON'T go check proposed regulations changes, try again.
Do you actually bother checking the MSA website for proposed changes, obviously not, because if you did you'd know that often weeks, and more often than not months pass between proposed regulation changes being published, people get fed up checking and seeing nothing, someone posting a link here (just like Graham Smith has done lower down - thanks Graham) alerts (almost) everyone in an instant. You also say that you "think" the MSA site is RSS'd, well I've news for you, it's not, not on the home page, nor on the proposed regulation page either.
Why shouldn't the MSA send me a text alert? Motorsport, and karting in particular, is my passion, I'd sign up in an instant for text alerts from them. The technology is there and cheap, and we already pay handsomely for the privilege of holding a race licence, why is this not part of their CUSTOMER service? Many businesses already employ the above to keep customers informed and up to date, why not the MSA? Many businesses also use forums to interact with their customers, again why not the MSA?
Where are most karters gathering and most vocal? Here and on the K1 forum, we are all CUSTOMERS of the MSA and to a lesser extent the ABkC at the end of the day, expecting some customer service from them is not an unrealistic expectation in this day and age is it?
If I were haemorrhaging customers to non-MSA racing at the rate that the MSA clearly are, I would be seriously worried, and be asking questions as to what, where and why am I going wrong?