Why not consider some testing first and then a lead in to racing by looking at Indy kart racing at Hooton Pk 30 mins from where you live depending on how he progresses,then into MSA at 3S,Hooton and GYG depending on funds. Bambino perhaps is too late for him,as mny pre 8 yr olds are learning on cadets,also bambinos are supposed (MSA safety reasons) approved as a restricted Comer C50,however in order to get their 5 yr olds going faster !!! people are fitting Bluebird engines so you may as well go straight into a comer,or poss to just get out there a WTP. To start you only need a cadet chassis with an unsealed S60 Comer,these are the for- runners for 20 years of the W60 and are basically the same engine,uprated carb and exhaust,unsealed snd can be re-built by ANYONE.. When the cadet class settles down (by Feb) again,W60 race engines as said will be as cheap as £250,these will be MSA racing for a further 3 yrs at club level,possibly if the MSA gets it act together by then even unsealed !!! Having helped many newcomers get into karting and Motorsport for nearly 50 yrs,you are quite welcome to e-mail with any questions/advice . Beware of the Sharks out there,even after all my years in the "Sport" a dealer tried ripping me off on our return to karting after 10 years out of it. The Pants down Petes and the one( £££££'s) hit ponies are still out there.
THIS IS NOT AN ADVERT,just trying to help the guy get out there, Dave