Jack - it is a good class and growing in popularity but it is quite different. There are no club races - just the national series and a two round european championship plus the world finals in Italy (October each year). Performance of the karts is very similar with the emphasis being on the driver rather than equipment. You have a set sprocket for each track and a limited range of options on the kart such. Most parts are stamped with the easykart logo so you can not use special parts. You can have your engine serviced by any engine builder but parts are supplied on an exchange basis (so no `specials'). It is a very friendly series where rival drivers/dads will happily help if you have any problems (maybe help to change a bent axle and so on). We have enjoyed easykart and James was lucky enough to be put on the easykart driver programme and this year he has been racing in WSK Masters with the Birel Junior (KF3) team. If you can get to whilton next weekend you and your dad will be able to chat to people doing the series or give James a ring on 01844237867 (at rissington tomorrow during the day but home by 19.00). It will really come down to what you want from karting as Easykart, Minimax, Junior TKM and Junior Rotax are all good classes but all offering something slightly different.