"one thing is make sure you move around in the kart so you can use the curbs."
Also, please use an illegal engine as this will help you to win, ignore any weight restrictions and push other drivers off the track whenever you can.
Slightly cynical perhaps, but for Volts and other Newbies, racing takes place between the white lines. The kerbs are safety run off areas and deliberately using the kerbs is not only cheating but against the rules and may be followed by a black flag and exclusion if seen by the CoC or any other authorised observer.
Of course, everyone takes a bit of kerb sometimes and it is difficult to resist if other karts are either overtaking or getting away from you by doing so and the CoC isn't stopping them, but, particularly as a new driver, you should not plan to take the kerbs any more than you should plan to use illegal engines, run underweight or come into contact with other drivers.
Except perhaps in practice, when you can learn how to survive hitting the kerb without becoming an accident in the process....but most newbies discover that without deliberately setting out to do it.
Running a kerb should be a result of error, accident or incident; not deliberation.