The reason I did not mention C-100 is that because I thought someone else had.
So, how quick is a C-100 against a TKM Extreme?
I seem to remember that a C-100 is limited to about 12000 rpm while an Extreme is about 15000.
(Before you TKM drivers bite me, I know they can rev higher, just as a Blue is limited to about 15500 rpm but has been known to go as high as 17500, but it's useful revs that one is looking at, not the peak for one 200th of a second).
The other points I was making though still hold good. yes a C-100 is slower than a TKM but it still requires the same degree of skill to get it round the track efficiently.
If your implied question is 'should I do TKM or C-100?' then I note that you state that you "haven't got the budget" to get into the C-100 series, but don't live close enough to a c100 corporate site to get any corporate time either.
In which case getting a TKM (extreme or otherwise) and just doing practices wil get you a lot of experience and one can get some fairly competitive driving in practice though obviously you don't go out and race in practice. The difference is that where in racing one might take the chance or be a bit more ruthless, in practice one backs out of such situations.
Also, in racing one runs the engine that bit closer to the edge, that last 1000 revs shortens engine life dramatically, an engine that will happily do 20 hours practice or more between rebuilds will do something like 5 under racing stresses.
Of course, if all you are doing is practice, then you can use any tyres so hit the used tyre stack that one finds at many tracks (particularly after a race day) and cut your costs that way. OK, if you fit old rotax rubber on your TKM you aren't going to drive it the same as a TKM on TKM rubber but it is a lot cheaper and a lot of fun.
So, if you buy a TKM second hand with a used engine you may be paying out £700 to £1000 and getting the opportunity to drive thereafter for the same or less than it would cost you to hire an C-100 kart. But you will be doing it at your local track, not having to drive all over the country to get a C-100 race.
And when you get your confidence and budget up, then you can join in the race days. You'll still be a novice but you may well be a lot quicker than novices who have had no practice.