Robbie - you also need to look at the background t this. In their July newsletter the ABkC reported that they had recommended the new class to the MSA anmd, in theory, the ABkC represents the clubs and therefore us as we are members of those clubs. The ABkC proposal went further and suggested that cadet ages should be changed to 8 - 10 and with a `low power' engine. If you lok back through Karting magazine, John Mills proposed a `Super Cadet' way before the ABkC recommendation and there wa talk of it being included in the 2010 S1 series. WTP engines are no longer being made so JM needs a replacement for LGM and maybe S1/ABkC would like to get the British cadet championship away from FKS. Changing the age range and power of the existing cadet classes and havin g a `super cadet' class in place could help all of these. Maybe pure speculation on my part but I think there are lots of politics going on behind the `official announcements'. As with all changes, the majority will not be affected but a few, like yourselves could be forced into non-MSA.