Hi Steve, I think the large screw you are referring to is the throttle stop/tickover screw and like yours, ours never seemed to do anything either. The diagonal screw is I think the air screw. If you do a search on these items in the 2 - stroke forum, I am sure you will find loads of info. From memory (but please don't quote me), I believe the throttle stop is wound all the way in the backed off half a turn and the air screw is wound all the way in then backed off two turns as a generic setting. You then set the air screw to give the fastest tickover. Neither of these screws shoul;d be wound in hard as you will damage either the carb or the jet. Like I said though, these are from memory but I am sure someone will put us straight. If at all unsure, ask down at your local track, I am sure someone will help