...slight problem is that you're not allowed to run an EGT monitor on a Comer cadet. Also, air density effectively reduces when it rains making carbs run richer and reducing cylinder temp for a given setting. Unfortunately it rains a lot here in the UK...
Simple advice for djcv8 is first of all to get the plug colour right, i.e. right mixture. Then use the O8 (harder / colder plug) when controlling max engine temp becomes an issue (over 200-210 deg C). Assuming you are not running lean, then it will tend to happen if you're running high revs / load, in hot weather (less cooling).
Use the 02 plug if you are having trouble getting the engine up to temp (can't get it above 170-180 deg C) and / or you're fouling plugs. You may have these problems in really cold or wet weather, or your driver is a novice and is running low revs.
If your driver is on the pace then you will probably need to use the 08 most of the time, and only occasionally need to revert to the 02
Hope this helps...