Please excuse me if I am teaching you to suck eggs.
I dont know if its normal, but I would be looking at the complete drive train. As in theory there should be no difference between the 2 clutches.
Have you tried taking the chain off and spinning the axle and the sprocket drum seperately.
Make sure that the axle and the chain sprocket are straight.
If the axle spins freely for a while and its not bent, then look at the engine side.
If the sprocket drum rotates freely then, look at the chain alignment with the engine bolted up tight.
If the sprocket drum does not spin freely, take the drum off and make sure there is nothing inside which could cause the drum to drag on the clutch disc.
Check the condition of the spacer between the drum and the clutch plate.
Check the bearing on the sprocket.
If thats all ok, try a different chain, if its still the same, have a word with an engine builder.