John I don't recall getting any letters or emails from you to ask the Open Meeting to consider any of these subjects, otherwise I'd have put them on the agenda. 1. We have not received any correspondence asking for a harder tyre. Any change would be done in conjunction with JAG, and they haven't requested that either. Tests would have to be done to see if the tyre is any quicker on first use, so even if the tyre lasts longer, if it is quicker first time out then some would still replace frequently. It would also introduce complications is the championships were on a different tyre. 2. Cadets used to use fixed gearing but it was dropped. The ABkC tried to bring it in for 100 Nat / K100 as you say, but it was not popular. Bigger drivers think they will be severely disadvantaged. Do you have a different sprocket for the wet etc. There are also fiddles employed to mitigate against the regulation. And surely the Max and KF classes are all rev-limited anyway? 3. We have looked very hard at 'passporting' tyres through the bar codes that some now have, to limit use, but at the moment there are too many difficulties around guest drivers and club drivers who race at other clubs, or use up their S1 tyres and so on. Some think any reduction in useage should be concentrated on championships where control is easier. If all clubs enforced the one set of slicks per meeting regulation that might help. This is on-going on the Green Paper group drafting.