Following on from my previous post about total kart/driver weight I have been doing some digging and have a second issue. The general consensus is that the engine needs to be checked every 2-4 hours and potentially rebuilt every 9 hours, though the tal ko website suggests 8-20 hours.
To begin with we will only be using our kart on practice days to learn how to drive properly/quickly so gaining the last 100th of a second is not important, what is important to us is consistency, reliability and not costing a fortune to practice every couple of weekends?
Can you suggest please what we can do to acceptably extend the life of the engine between major inspections/rebuilds i.e. to get to the Tal Ko suggested 20 hour rebuilds which would be more than acceptable to us? My first thought is to restrict engine revs by fitting a restrictor from the junior classes (purple)
Is a different engine to use in practice days a posibility? or is sticking with a BT82 the best way forward as we do intend to go racing at some point in the future
Thanks for your help