This could be genuine or a scam. When you bank a cheque, your bank will normally let you take money from your account after 3 or 4 days. The problem is that if the cheque has been stolen or is a forgery, this may not come to light for a couple of weeks. A common scam is that an overseas buyer will ask if they can pay more than the asking price and for you to send the difference by Western Union to them. Once you make a payment by Western union you can not stop it. If you do this after 3/4 days of banking their cheque you could find that the cheque is a fake and your bank take the money back from you but you have sent funds that you can not get back. In this case, why not accept the offer and bank their cheque/banker draft. Then ask your bank how long it will take to confirm that the cheque/draft is genuine. Only let go of your goods after this time.