Nobody will consider you an idiot at the track if you're having trouble with your kart... in fact you'll likely experience quite the opposite... people will be happy to help. The supermarket car park is ridiculously dangerous for you and any bystander.
Back to the motor. It could be any of the following :
1 Oil seals - as I mentioned above. They're very cheap but you'll need specialist tools to unbutton the engine to fit them. Come to think of it, I'm not sure if the sprocket side is still available. It was non-standard on the Hewland.
2 Needle valve in the carburettor - either dirt's gotten into the fuel areas of the carb, or the little rubber seal within the needle valve assembly's wilted. Either way your high and low speed jet adjustments are not having the desired effect. This can be repaired on a tillotson, but it will need to be done in a surgically clean environment... and I really mean surgically clean... dirt the size of a human air will upset the inside of one of these.
3 Fuel surge - you don't have enough fuel in the tank and the fuel line's drawing air instead of fuel meaning that it will cut out. Solution is to fill the tank to the brim.
4 You've loose spade connectors on the coil, a loose connector on the plug cap, or the wiring through the coil and ignition system has been crimped or cut. The loose connections are easy to fix... cut/crimped wiring will necessitate a new ignition system as the Motoplat is sealed.
1 and/or 2 are most likely if the motor's been lying around a long time. If either are not corrected you have a very high chance of seizing the engine.
Again, I can't stress enough... this ain't something for a bit of fun.