Hi Brian,
The WTP clutch has no moving parts/springs/pivot pins, as are found on other classes clutches.
Instead, the clutch has the fiction material bonded to three sections of the clutch centre that expand as the engine revs increase. These sections depend on the natural spring in the material of the clutch centre to open out and close depending on engine revs.
There are three radial slots in the clutch centre that allow this to happen. When the clutch has exessive wear, normally one slot will open-up significantly more than the other two. This will often be revieled by clutch "drag" (the kart moving forward at even low revs)or difficulty in spinning the rear axle on the stand.
If you inspect the clutch through to holes in the clutch cover (easier with the sidepod removed)you should see the slots about the same width, if one is much larger than the rest, replace the clutch centre.
The rear axle should rotate freely with the kart on the stand: if not check the clutch and chain.
Nothing pig-ignorant about asking questions, that's how we learn.