Have you karted in France? The method of sealing engines you describe is exactly what happens here. It works to a point, however especially with the Honda engines the officials can't be bothered to learn how to check them properly so for them the idea of factory fitted seals is to save them doing any controls.
Sodi want to resupply everyone with new sealed Honda engines next year, unchecked straight from the box. Great for them because on average you will need to buy at least 6 (£500 each) to find a half decent one and then with the revs we run it will need rebuilding after about 6 hours. The FFSA cant seem to see the problem with this??????.
As for Alpha karting, apparently when Easykart wanted to come to France with IAME engines. Alpha karting told IAME that they would drop their engines if they allowed Birrel in with them, that's how business works in France, at all levels.