Absolutely agree with you.
You would probably find that the manufacturer only too willing to exchange a coil as the production cost to them is small.
It's when that £10.00 coiled goes down the supply line and ends up being a £100.00 exchange item that the resistance to honour any kind of warranty arises.
I well remember the cadet carb problems with the jet fiasco.
But it comes back to the same old problem of no experts in the areas that you need them and YOU having to put up and shut up and accept the decisions or 'our way or the highway' attitude that you are given. (Independent drivers association and reps again).
Among the folk who are involved in karting from 'our' side of the fence is a plethora of expertise like engineers, designers, fabricators, welders, engine builders, a whole army of experts who I'm sure would love to impart their knowledge for the good of the sport. All that could be harnessed and used to give advice and help on decisions that affect karting but they are too reluctant to accept that someone might just know more than them and would threaten their position of competence.
You shouldn't have to accept that 'that's karting'. It could be SO much better and so many more people would be attracted to karting if it was presented in a sensible and inviting way instead of the constant obstacles that presented 'for the good of the sport'.