K nuts were originally designed for high temp applications where Nylock would melt. Also for high risk aero applications where they are strictly single use. It's gauling many wheel designers run with a recess that doesn't allow the use of M8 flanged nylock nuts. Nylock is the obvious choice for kart wheels, low temp, cheap nut which can be replaced many times, also doesn't damage stud thread. We run with barrel nuts - they go in the recesses OK, they seat OK, no locking facility but have never lost a wheel in 6 years - apart from when they were never actually put on the studs in the first place - going out with not nuts!! Only had one problem once where a rear bumper end ended up in side the front (rear too far in to reach) wheel, contacted the barrel nuts and bent over all three studs. Wheel stayed on OK, race needed OK, just needed 3 new studs! Some people run a tap through the K nut to free up the nut a bit, torque them up properly and they don't come off.