I'm sorry you're tired, maybe an early night and some Horlicks is in order.
If someone changes class you do not lose a **** on a seat, you still have that ****, just that it's in a different seat and it does release a cheap engine into the stock that can be picked up by someone wanting to go into that class and start karting or racing, you actually do karting a favour.
You actually made the move from TKM into Rotax and didn't give a thought to the poor little TKM left all alone in the cold.
The biggest problem with karting, just like any other sport is the fact they took the 'SPORT' out of it.
It's gone the same way as darts, tennis,football, you name it.
The f100 class has been a success due to the way it's run.
Ollie keeps it honest, even to the point of removing adverts for parts that are too expensive.
God help it if it gets really popular though, then the teams and every other leech will come sniffing around like it's a new dog's butt hole.
Rotax didn't listen and ruled for too long.
Rotax didn't give a damn about the other classes when they introduced the engine so why is it any different for the X30 importer?
People go where they're happiest, you don't force anyone to go to Honda or Rotax or X30 TKM or formula Blue.
People are learning to use a spanner again and realise they need to take a bit of care if they're to get to the end of a race and that is all part of racing.
I'm touched that you might think I have that much influence on the future of karting but I think you may be looking in the wrong place and at the wrong people as it's not' lil ol me' you have to worry about and who is having the detrimental influence. Or should I spell it out who the puppeteers are who are jerking your strings and getting you to dance to their tunes.