Hi Simon
Thank you very much for your guide on how to maintain the starter. Its that kind of fantastic advice which keeps people like me on the track, all information i've got from here we've printed out and laminated in a folder for the engine, i've no doubt that particular page will have a few oil and teacup marks on very soon :) so far i have only basic knowledge of how a starter motor works and i've had a look at some brushes but with that guide, i have no doubt i will be able to manage the job. My plan is after the next run to bring it back and give it a clean so i will break the starter down then and have a look...carefully and treat the old darkium like it should be treated!
The external starters look great i would love one but they always seem to fetch a certain amount of cash and i like to keep my budget for things i really need or really really want. Once i've learned about the starter, i was thinking i may try and source another part unit or complete starter cheaply and keep wrapped and ready to go whatever with bolts and tools. once i know what makes the job easier track side.
Regarding the carb, we was on a shakedown as well as engine test after a chassis overhaul, so the first few laps when i wanted to be on the carb i just had to much to think about, i found the jets just but it was new to be reaching over with lefty, ive not owned abit of kit like this before so rather than do my loosey lefty righty tighty wrong handed on the wrong side of the carb while excited i thought you know what lets come in, get out and take a breath...ha... when im seated and not driving i can adjust the jets fine so i just need abit of practice rather than risk getting it wrong.
I had no idea its a chainsaw carb and i think it must be a revving monster which i would probably keep two hands on too! I had no idea you could run them upsidedown... i thought about it and i think its worth sticking with as i quite like the screwdriver priming and also adjusting the throttle cable/pedal a lot to make it a hair trigger...if i still struggle i may try making the tee bar and ring a little more identifiable.
This has been a really great project for me and im still chuffed to bits with how it ran, so once again thanks very much for helping me look after it! :)