I believe that it is a clone, note it is made in Taiwan.
The starter for the Rotax is, I think, sourced from Mitsuba and made in Japan.
the relevant bit in the MSA GoldBook is
"All parts used in or on this engine must be of original manufacture or source as supplied by Rotax except where expressly allowed"
yet at the same time the book also states
"Neither the engine nor any of its ancillaries may be modified in any way. "Modified" is defined as any change in form, content or function that represents a condition of difference from that originally designed."
One might argue that a starter that looks the same, has the same content and function is a permitted modification under the rule book, but note that the manufacturers have representation on the ABKC committees, so if they take umbrage they will win.
It's that area of uncertainty that allows the charges to be so high.