Forcing drivers to keep tyres for 2 meetings will not help. If you race at youth monthly club meeting and say that your tyres must last 2 meetings, you will have people racing at 2 circuits always having new at one of them, plus to monitor this the bar code logging would have to be networked throughout the UK to ensure you used them twice. You could, as John jokingly said go TKM where the retail price for a set of tyres is significantly higher than the Mojo and are actually softer and wear faster than the Mojo. The lap times and power of the TKM do make it kinder on the tyre than the max but I think you will find that the reason they are used for 2 meetings is a combination of the higher price and less tyre load. You will never compleat against a racer with an unlimited budget in whatever class you enter. Even hire karts the guy with the cash will be driving every spare moment he can where as the poorer ones will only drive when funds allow, we all know that time in the seat is the key to pace so how do you stop that? Unfortunately it is a fact of life, there is no such thing in any Motorsport as a ' level playing field!' The havs wil always progress faster than the have not's. All forms of Motorsport are expensive and as you can see all around you in the paddock vast sums are being spent by some in the pursuit of a racing career which, to put it bluntly, will never happen. I have been in Motorsport for over 40 years and in that time I have had the pleasure of working with 7 F1 World Champions as well as many other top names in Motorsport, and I cannot thing of even 1 that has made their career from the sport without either having huge funds behind them initially to get them to the point of collecting the required backing to climb the ladder. Even when most of those reach the top it does not come witha salary, more often than not there needs to be a big pot of cash injection to keep them in the seat however talented they maybe.