Dear all, I also race with the RSAF MSA and we are trying to define the regs for our series. A question has been raised regarding the Rotax Max Exhaust with the Gold Book quoting the 'New Type Part Number 273073' Shall be used. I have searched all the Rotax manuals cannot find this part number?
I am aware of 3 types of exhaust, the Mk1 which had the bracket in between the expansion chamber and the silencer tube, The Mk2 version with the 3 welds belween the expansion chamber and the silencer tube and the Mk3 version with the springs over the top.
I recall in the 'Max Column' in the karting mag that the ones with the welds may have to be outlawed?
At the last Kimbolton meeting I ran the mk2 version as did many, with the grid being a mixture of mk2 and mk3 versions with no statements from the scrutineers?
Can anybody clarify which exhaust is legal? I am hoping the mk2 and mk3 as described are still good to go.