The more I think about the new cadet motor the more I think it will damage. Karting right in the area it should be helping the young and future of the sport
Ok fair enough to replace the comer but why on earth make it slower and then enforce a rule to restrict hondas and comers
Most clubs run seperate races now so why mess with the other classes, easy and best thing would be to have the new motor just ahead of current performance levels to slow it down???
If you have an off on 40.0 second lap or a 39.5 there's very little difference
A good Honda seems to be 7 to 7.5 hp so it will loose approx 2 hp that's going to be what 1 to 2 seconds a lap the existing cadets and parents are surly going to be not to happy
What happens if you buy the new motor then only some clubs run it and those that don't are driving around well off of 2012 lap times
I really love karting but all this really is making me think about getting out of karting totally
The sport is hard enough and very costly
When will clubs say if they are running or not
The msa dicked around for ages with the new motor so when will the msa say how the new restrictors will work etc etc it's got to be early enough so you can be ready for 2013
You could buy a new motor in October test and get to know it then the clubs send out regs in December saying they will not run it but you still need to slow everyone else down
Time to dig out the golf clubs maybe?