"That reads a bit like clutching at straws to provide an example of something that fits the description of both TaG and 2-stroke"
The man asks for an idea of what is the most pwerful Tag Twostroke available. So I give him the answer to the most powerful Tag 2 strokes.
You make a suggestion of a rotary engine, not 2 stroke, which you just happen to sell. The man didn't ask for the most powerful engine that could be fitted on a kart.
Don't get me wrong, I think the Aixro is a nice engine in many ways, though I think it is too powerful to be raced on a 'regular' chassis on a 'regular' grid. We have enough problems with drivers on small horsepower engines playing dodgems, the idea of double or triple the horsepower with a serious upgrade to crash resistance, circuit safety etc, is daunting.
However, I salute your endeavour.