The engine is the IAME Lynx, 100cc watercooled, reed valve. The carburettor is a Tillotson. Between the carb and the reed valve there is a restrictor which is varied in size according to the driver's weight. Heavier drivers get more power, so the playing field is level whether one weighs 50kg or 85kg.**
The kart weight is adjusted with each restrictor so that no-one carries more than 10kg of lead.
Otherwise the chassis is free choice.
Tyres are Le Cont.
The engines are reasonbly powered, the major difference between this and TKM /Rotax is mainly tyres. (2 years ago they were a second faster than TKM, then TKM changed their tyres and now TKM are a second faster than Blue.)
The 'book' says that they run 20 hours between services (like TKM and Rotax) but if you are racing regularly, then you need to look at the Top end every 400-500 laps and at the Bottom End every 2000 laps.
Spares etc are similar to TKM /Rotax. The big advantage over Rotax is that the engines are not sealed, so you can do your own maintenance.
The engines are 'box' stock so you can't tune them, but they are CNC manufactured so their tolerances are tighter than other makes have been.
Grids at the moment are a bit patchy down in the South, mainly Clay and Dunkeswell. Forest Edge has a Blue Grid but it struggled last year on 3 to 4 drivers and this year one of those is injured. That said, there are a number of Blue drivers in the South East, but getting us together for a grid at Buckmore , Lydd or Forest seems difficult for some reason. Perhaps because the people reserve their budgets / calendars for the NKRA National Champs.
I know that I don't relish the long trip down to Dunks from London (like the track, like the people but it's a long haul for a clubbie) So I'd be happy to see more drivers at Forest!