WD40 is great.... it does LOADS of jobs but.....
People often mention that they spray their electrics with it.
Think about it, guys.....
WD40 is good at 'drying' damp components... why? Because (we are told) that it is hygroscopic (attracts water).
Now think about that....
YUP... it does fix damp components but..... if you LEAVE it there.... it seems to CONTINUE to attract water and that's NOT what you wanted at ALL!
By all means, spray WD40 at the components.... but blow them dry again (with a compressor) or wipe them clean any dry afterwards. Ideally, dismantle things that can be, spray them, blow/wipe them, and re-assemble them.
In an emergency, use wd40 and leave it there..... but remember to do the job properly the next moment that you can and CLEAN the sfuff off as soon as you can.