No pressure, mate.....
This is the difficulty. I have no knowledge of your 'abilities' nor those of Huxley. From your/Huxley's postings, how could I tell that YOU needed the help but that Huxley didn't?
If you stay here a long time, you'll find I always get it 'wrong'.... according to many people. I have VERY broad shoulders and am no 'shrinking violet.... so it all washes over like water off a duck's back.....
In answer to the last part, you only have to view the table.... and notice how the 'maths' is done. It's so simple, it's a JOKE!
You simply divide the teeth of the small sprocket into the large one..... it's THAT simple. So.... a 12/78 gearing is 78 divided by 12.... which is 6.5 (to 1) ratio. That's VERY close to the 6.46 to 1 ratio of 13/84 (as recommended) and fits between that and a 13/85 'set'. It will thus give FRACTIONALLY greater acceleration and (probbably) higher revs at peak.
All you now need to do is to extend my table down to the 78 teeth (or lower) driven sprockets is do that simple maths and insert the answers into the right places in the table. Dividing one number by another is not THAT hard.... now that you know how to do it!
Many drivers tape/glue a table like that into the lid of their tool box.....
However, you seem SO close to the recommended gear rations that I suspect you are more likely to be low on revs for other reasons: and that still leaves the main pair....
1) I know he's done well 'indoors' but..... outdoor stuff is a different matter and the competition level is likely to be FAR higher. My guess is that he's failing to pass through the previous corner at a high enough rate (usually caused by exiting too TIGHT, on line). Simply get him to follow another minimax as best he can and watch EXACTLY wher he starts to 'fall behind' If the other guy starts to pull out a gap IN the corner, then my guess will have been right!
2) Time to talk to John of JetTech:-
He produces GREAT sofware which will get you EXACTLY on the right lines to set your carb. It's a piece of software and a (cheap) weather station and various other items of data to calculate the PERFECT Jet and 'Pin' settings EVERY time for your carb. Many people can calculate the right jettiung for themselves. However, they do it from EXPERIENCE. John's software gives you the 'experience of YEARS of racing in a single package.
And NO... I do NOT work with/for John and I don't even USE his software as I don't even LIKE Rotaxes.......! However, others will tell you how good John's stuff is who DO use it!
Anyway..... I've probably said it all wrong AGAIN.....