Ay up, we have found the member of the JKH fan club! I went to our supplier straight away which was 2 or 3 meetings after we purchased it. He got hold of John Hoyle and asked him to call me, he never did. It's been cracking and snapping ever since. I have been paying for this scrap metal to be re-welded each time and had to hire a kart for the Sunday race day as the back O/S quarter of the frame snapped clean off on Saturday practice day. This is money that we have worked hard for, it may be cheap compared to most but £1500 plus is still a lot of money. Even the side pod bars fell to pieces and no we didn't have any impact on them! The supplier (Spellfame), now tells me even he can't get hold of him, can't get any spares "even a set of brake pads". You may think this is fair but I don't. It doesn't matter how fast anyone goes on these chassis if they don't stay together for more than a meeting or 2. They are not fit for purpose and as consumers we have a right to a full refund never mind a new frame. So don't tell me that we should be gratefull they are going back to Italy to be looked at. I wouldn't expect my Sony DVD player to have to go back to Japan for investigation and expect to wait a stupid amount of time for something to be done!
Really P*&^%d off TKM Mechanic/financier.