I've run mine for 7 meetings now without a problem, although I still haven't stripped it since the last meeting so there could be a surprise waiting in the garage. I'm going to give it a good look over now :) I've been pretty happy with it and haven't had any issues with build quality. Maybe I've been lucky. I was intending on buying a fresh frame for next year but I'll maybe hold off until they've figure out any problems. I notice spellfame have taken the bare frame off their website as a spare part.
I still can't get my head around people justifying ~3k for a kart chassis. When you look at what you get for the say a £1500 push bike carbon frame, etc, it really is rediculous. I mean, we really are only talking about some steelwork, a few bearings and a brake system??? It's not rocket science.
The storm in the right hands (I'm not saying they are mine - yet!) is just as quick as the jade/ tony/ etc.