....yes, there was another person willing to help form a drivers association but the response she got was ZILCH!!!!!!!!!!
I don't think she ever posted again.
Same as the response I get. ZILCH!!!!
I'm thinking of retiring as I don't need to work and running a drivers assoc. is not that much work actually.
BUT, if no one is interested, what's the point.
I do SO admire the French when they don't agree with something, they rally TOGETHER and get things done.
Not in karting though, people whimp out everytime.
If no one is going to shout your corner, you have to do it yourself and one voice gets utterly ignored.
13 years of Labour has killed any fighting spirit the British had and now it's just little britain but not funny anymore, in fact more like chemotherapy.
But they KNOW what your like, which is why they ride roughshod over you.
Yes, there was a drivers association which didn't do much and was for S1 anyway, the other comedy channel.