Steve, I glad you have moved this up the page as my scrolling finger was getting somewhat sore. I will have one final go at this.
You know from the earlier thread my ideas for Rotax Max are:
1. Changes to be made only to Club racing not National Championships should I believe should remain the same some we have a step up in performance.
2. Use the Vega XLL tyre
3. Use fixed gearing set by each club designed to reduce maximum revs and thereby extending engine re-build times by a factor of two
4. Introduce a 3 meeting rule for tyres With the simple introduction of those rules we would reduce tyre costs by one 1/3 and engine costs by half.
You say we have tried these ideas in the past and they have not worked, well I am sorry you have not! And as you know it’s easy to find problems and much harder to push change but if we want to maintain karting numbers in the recession then it must happen and happen now.
The only way to reduce the cost of karting is to deal with the cost base, which are the karter’s unavoidable running costs, tyres and engine life. The other costs are solely the choice of each karter; if they want to run with a team, have 10 engines, 5 sets of rims, a new chassis for each meeting etc then OK, but if they get beat by someone with talent on a 3 year old chassis working out of his/her boot then they may think again. Especially as my changes to the rules will favour the skilful driver/chassis tuner as getting around the track will be much less reliant on the grip of your tyres.
My ideas are also made with an eye to maintaining the “Karting Trade” as it does not require that anybody goes shopping elsewhere but just that we go shopping less often.
You bang the Tyro drum and yes this could help in the current situation by helping new karters to first try karting and then hopefully join the ranks.
As I understand the Tyro rules it simply requires a reduction in power of the engine to set maximum levels, therefore it should be a golden opportunity for the whole of the “Karting Trade” to make new money!
Just get the ABkC to go to JAG, TMK and ZIP and tell them to develop a set of “TYRO” restrictors for their whole engine range, the beauty of this approach is that once the “new customer” wants to try real karting then all that is required is removing the restrictors and they are away. I can’t believe that if asked JAG they would not spend some time developing a set of restrictors for the DD2 Tyro, Snr Max Tyro, Jnr MAX Tyro, Mini Max Tyro, and Micro Max Tyro.