I think the ABKC and MSA have turned karting into a cash-cow, and the reality is people are not entering the sport because as its far too costly, and it scares them off in the first place, the example of IKR is a good one, you dont need a licence or an ARKS test, just buy a kart and start racing, hence the grids are healthy.
But I'm sure there are some bean-counters in the MSA who realize if they deleted all the ARKS packs sold for £50-£70 or whatever it is now, plus the licence application costs, then they would lose a 6-figure+ sum per year.......perish the thought...... MSA karting has done nothing but decline, and I think they need to define what "grass-roots" actually is, for me its low-cost, easy to start and a friendly clubby atmosphere.
Totally agree about the diversity thing, nobody cares about gender, race or which way you swing, its just not relevant anymore, and its certainly not going to solve any karting issues......I have enough of that BS at work, I go karting to get away from all of that......the IMechE (Institute of mechanical engineers) also massively promote diversity and I have to say it go's way too far and distracts everyone from the main task and goal in hand, I say this while trying my best not to come across as a sexist pig!