Tell me about it, its the nature of the beast I guess, I have seen it happen to others for sure.
Yes cheating, I have seen far too much of that.
To be honest all I care about is safety, having first hand seen my son put to sleep by an an anesthetist under general anesthetic, and wheeled off into an operating thertre for an hour to have his right arm re-constructed, it changes your outlook on what matters and what doesnt. If we come home in one piece its been a good weekend, if you get some silverware then bonus.
Yes nothing makes me laugh more than seeing an ego-dad doing single-seater money on a kart budget.....I can see many drivers on their way to being the next max chilton......what an ambition that is.
Denis Davidson summed up karting perfectly, whereby he said if you are ever in the situation of sitting in front of an F1 team principal, about to have your son signing for a race drive, they literally dont care about any karting credentials whatsoever.
Its a bit like going to a job interview and telling them you were a prefect at school.....totally irrelevant.